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Nathan Fountain, Road Superintendent
Darryl Davis, Office Manager & Safety Coordinator

The Road Department provides the following services for Ben Hill County Residents

  • Maintain county roads: paving, patching, scraping, sanding and bridge repair.
  • Maintain county right of ways: mowing, cut bushes, clearing and ditching.
  • Install: driveways, cross drains, haul dirt for driveways & collect payments for driveways
  • Unstop pipes and drains
  • Remove storm debris
  • Create and maintain road signs
  • Maintain county vehicles and equipment

Remember to use caution at Rail Road Crossings / STOPLOOK & LISTEN! Always slow down & use head lights when rain & fog is present, vehicles can hydroplane when water is on the road.

Dirt roads should be traveled with caution because of washouts and slick conditions at a speed of no more than 35 mph or less when conditions are bad. Traffic should always slow down and use caution when Road Department Employees and equipment are on the road for paved and dirt roads alike.

Need to get in touch with someone in the Road Department's office?

Contact Information