The Honorable Lisa McCard, Chief Magistrate Judge
Order for In Person Proceedings During Pandemic
The Magistrate Court provides the following services for Ben Hill County:
- Issue and conduct civil claims
- Issue garnishments
- Writs
- Dispossessory
- Foreclosures
- Issue subpoenas
- Issue post judgment interrogatories
- Enforce county ordinances
- Perform marriages
- Issue search warrants
- Issue civil judgments
- Issue almost all criminal warrants
- Setup pre-warrant application hearings
- Issue bad check warrants (deposit account fraud)
- Hold bond hearings (set the amount of bond)
- Issue conditions orders on family violence warrants
- Execute and accept written waivers of extradition
- Can issue contempt orders
- Issue bench warrants
The monetary limit of the Magistrate Court is $15,000.
Magistrate Court Price List 2024
To Access eFile for Ben Hill County Magistrate Court Click Here