emergency management

Ameri Pro EMS
The EMS office provides the following services for Ben Hill County Residents:

Ben Hill County EMS operates a 24 hour a day, 365 days a year ALS Ambulance Service. ALS stands for Advanced Life Support. Ambulance's are now described as mobile emergency rooms.

Emergency Services
  • 911 service for the citizens of Ben Hill County
  • Advanced Life Support and Basic Life Support 911 services depending on the nature of the call
  • Three 24-hour ALS 911 ambulances
Need to get in touch with someone in the EMS' office?

Ben Hill Captain Anthony Middlebrooks

Cell: 229-796-0736

Email: anthonymiddlebrooks@ameriprohealth.com


Contact Information


Jake Hughes, EMA Director

The Ben Hill County EMA's purpose is to increase the resiliency and its ability to respond and recover from the hazards that threaten our community. This is done through mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery, which is a combined effort with EMS, E-911, Police and Sheriff's Departments, Fire Department, and the Volunteer Fire Department.

What is Emergency Management?

The Emergency Management network is a combination of your local, state, and federal governments working together in partnership with local volunteers and businesses, to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from all hazards that affect a jurisdiction. The Ben Hill County Emergency Management Agency is the local agency with the responsibility for coordination and mitigation, preparedness, and response and recovery efforts to protect the lives and property of the citizens of Ben Hill County. Many natural hazards may impact the communities in Ben Hill County.

These include tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, lightning, floods, winter storms, and wildfires. These are dangerous and often unpredictable events. It is very important that citizens know the safety precautions to take before an emergency and what actions to take during an emergency, whether natural or caused by man. In addition to the many natural hazards that may impact the county, other man-made and technological hazards pose an equal, if not greater, threat to the citizens.

Personal Accident Report

Sign Up for Code Red Alerts

Need to get in touch with someone in the EMA's office?

Contact Information